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The Future of
Salem Grace

Our Vision & Strategy

Last fall, after much thoughtful discussion, our Church Board felt it was time for Salem Grace to reflect on and plan for our future. We decided to bring in a consultant, to help guide us through several months of deep reflection, prayer, research, conversations, and more prayer. Our mission was clear: we needed to define what we want for the church, identify our core values, and envision where we see ourselves in three years.


Read on to see a summary of where we landed.

Or, read our strategy here:  

Defining Our Core Values

  • Missional: We aim for ongoing life change to be more like Jesus, through community service and intentional relationships.

  • Compassionate: We meet needs and share Jesus’s hope, being outrageously generous and inclusive.

  • Authentic: True life change happens through honesty, transparency, and reflecting Jesus in all we do.

Our Vision for Growth

Our vision is to create a safe place for people to experience life change through God’s love and share it with others. We aim to have an average Sunday attendance of 1,000 in three years, up from our current 356 attendees weekly (375 including online).

Key Areas of Focus

  • Experience: Creating inviting environments where people can connect with Jesus.

  • Life Change: Building relationships that foster growth across generations.

  • Operations: Ensuring efficiency and stewardship in church activities.

  • Care/Missional Outreach: Impacting our community through love and service.

Path to Achieving
Our Goals

Our attendance goals are: 1,000 in three years, 800 in two years, 600 in one year, and 375 currently.

To accommodate growth, we focus on:

  • Staffing: Building a team that supports our mission.

  • Facility/Environments: Investing in our spaces to welcome more attendees.

  • Outreach Events: Planning community events to attract new visitors.

Recent Improvements and Progress

We’ve added a new guest table, air fresheners, are renovating the gym, and have hired a cleaning service.

Exciting Opportunity:
New Staff Housing

We have an opportunity to purchase a house below market value. This would serve as a landing pad for new staff while they search for their own homes. The church will take out a loan for the purchase. Our membership will vote on this purchase on Sunday, July 21, before and after the service.

Prayerful Consideration

Heavenly Father, thank You for the community we share at Salem Grace. As we consider purchasing a new house for future staff, we seek Your wisdom. Open our hearts and minds to Your will and guide us to a decision that honors You and furthers our mission. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Visit Us

1900 N Broadway / Salem, IL 62881

Sundays at 10:00am 

Tuesday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Friday 8:00am - noon

Our offices are located at

1900 N Broadway / Salem, IL 62881

Office hours


Our Mission

To inspire you to follow Jesus

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