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Youth Ministry is an important part of Salem Grace. Each week our volunteers guide our students in taking their next steps of faith in engaging games, activities, age-appropriate lessons, and discussions.


COULD YOU help to support our children's ministry once or twice a month? We provide plenty of support-you're never on your own! Have questions or want to try it out first?  Let us know! 


Stay up-to-date with CRAVE:

Facebook: Crave


Middle School (Crave) 


Salem Grace's Middle School Ministry is the weekly environment for 5th–8th grade students. Each Sunday morning at 10am and Monday night at 6pm, students experience engaging large group teaching, consistent small group discussion with peers, and a dedicated team of caring adults, combined with a TON of fun!



High School (#youthloop)


Salem Grace's High School Ministry is for students grades 9th-12th.  Each Wednesday, from 6:30-8:00pm, students experience an environment where they can laugh, engage with peers, hear teaching based on Biblical truths, and have time for discussion with caring adult leaders.


Stay up-to-date with YOUTHLOOP:

Instagram: @youthloop1


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Visit Us

1900 N Broadway / Salem, IL 62881

Sundays at 10:00am 

Tuesday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Friday 8:00am - noon

Our offices are located at

1900 N Broadway / Salem, IL 62881

Office hours


Our Mission

To inspire you to follow Jesus

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